
Project Status Finished
Project Type Semi solo / collage project
Project Duration 2 months
Engine Unity
Role Main Developer

About Shine

Shine is a game I made for a school project, me and 2 of my friends decided to tell a story trough different types of media. I made the game on my own, and it was quite a challenge. We had about 2 months for the project. It came down to the last minute, but we succeeded and had one of the best displays.



One aspect I really wanted to incorporate into this game, is story. As the whole point of the project was to tell a story though different platforms of media I really tried (and I would say succeeded) to tell a story with this game. Everything is there intentionally, every brick, item, room and even enemy is placed in such a way that the player can find out what has happened to where the game takes place. I always loved the feeling of piecing story's together and I wanted the player to have the same feeling playing this game.

Different Areas

This game includes a few different areas, the areas all have their own theming, threats and mysteries to solve.


There are tons of secrets and easter eggs to find. From more connections in the story to whole new characters. Make sure you don't forget to look back every step of the way because if you don't something might fly right over your head.


What is a story without its characters??
Around every corner there are many characters to meet. But be warned, not everyone is friendly.


Fights are a major deal in most games including this one. When fighting don't forget to pay attention to your surroundings as you might miss something coming right at you. There is also a boss fight in the game which is "Jolanda The Void Warrior" she possesses void powers and uses it to try and take over the world.